Last year we were contacted by a large fiber-optic internet company to waterproof a wall in a parking garage of a commercial building on Humber College Blvd. which had issues with leaking after an internet cable conduit had been installed. Since the waterproofing solution we provided proved to be successful, they reached out to us again for a similar project. An engineering company hired by them approved our application since it even exceeded their expectations.
Site Characteristics
This time we were asked to waterproof another wall penetrated by a cable conduit, to solve the issue with leakage into the underground parking garage. In this case, it was a mid-rise condo building on Heintzman St. in Toronto. The area to be repaired was at one of the building corners.
Repair Method
As always, proper preparation is key to a successful waterproofing installation, since sufficient adhesion is required – a mechanical wire brush was used to completely clean the surface. The area of the wall where the conduit was installed was parged and coated with a cold-applied polyurea-based waterproofing material. A protective board was installed to finish the repair. The part of the conduit adjacent to the wall was also coated with polyurea, for best results.
Benefits of Polyurea
This synthetic polymer obtained from the reaction between an isocyanate component and an amine blend has a moisture-insensitive molecular structure which makes it an optimal waterproofing membrane.
Polyurea-based membranes are extremely versatile, as they can be applied to vertical and curved surfaces, providing an ideal coating even for complex architectural structures. Their many advantages range from thermal stability and rapid application to texture and thickness adjustability. Polyurea is also a green product – its solvent-free, 100% solids formula is fully recyclable.
Learn more about a great variety of waterproofing solutions we can offer by visiting different pages of our website.